Wednesday, January 7, 2015

{Baby Jasper}: Welcome to the world, Ruthie!

On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

Introducing Madeleine Ruth Jasper
Born 1.2.15
A little late but worth the wait. 

I've got a lot to catch up around here, including her baby shower, the holidays, nursery prep, and more.. and of course, tons of adorable pictures. But in the meantime, here she is! We are so very in love with Ruthie.

In babies and learning curves,

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C said...

Congratulations!! So thrilled for you both.
Enjoy every moment, and don't stress too much - you're her parents, you'll know what to do!!
- from a long time reader, fellow teacher, from New Zealand

Kala said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait for all the photos. How are the furry kids adjusting to the new addition?

Reenie said...

Congrats!!! She's adorable. xo

(I've been checking daily to see if she has arrived)


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