Top Ten things I'm loving about this house as we are in our third year here:
10) having two bathrooms
9) adding recessed can lighting in the living room (as to see you better)
8) two living spaces (a living room and den, as opposed to one at our old place)
7) a sectional couch (paid for by craig's-listing our old cabinets)
6) the neighborhood it is in (close to the smaller green line and more)
5) my new dressing area
4) laundry closet (with doors to close when it is messy)
3) fenced back yard to throw dogs out in when they are being wild
2) lots of closet and storage space
1) my new kitchen!
and, of course, the fact that Jake is living there with me.
And next, a list of Top Tens for our life this year:
10) I still have a job. And it is rewarding. And it pays. And I'm doing well (per my evaluations)
9) Jake's doing well in medical school - surviving, studying, maintaining sanity
8) getting to do a lot of crafting, a great outlet for me, like these wreaths (here, here, and here)
7) having a great camp season, where we increased enrollment and had a budget in the black/green
6) cooked a lot (here's a few of the recipes) with my main man, one of our hobbies
5) enjoyed doing lots of fun projects on the house, like finishing our kitchen
4) adding a fourth animal to our house (crazy, right?), the cutest puppy, our Harley
3) being featured as a Reader Redesign on Young House Love for my kitchen (!!!)
2) one of my best friends, Brie, got married and other friends, Heather and Rachel, had babies
1) spending tons of time with my family, like our trip to Sewanee, lots of yummy dinners, and a beach trip
and, of course, again, the one that trumps it all was spending time with Jake!
And the last top ten - the top ten most viewed blog posts this year:
1) Kitchen Renovation: The Reveal
2) Kitchen Renovation: Step by Step (ooh baby)
3) Dappled Daschunds and Harlequin Danes
4) Kitchen Renovation: Source List
5) Kitchen Flooring?
6) House Tour: Laundry Closet
7) Dinner for Two
8) The saga and resolution of the Bee's Wax
9) Happy Two Year Anniversary, House!
10) Buffalo Chicken Dip
and a few notes on those -
1) I figured the kitchen would be the top hit, for obvious reasons, and four of the posts are about the kitchen
2) how random that a really really really old post about what kind of dog I want got so many hits? must be the pictures I took off google images
3) that kitchen flooring post is pretty lame and doesn't even feature our floor choice
4) the dinner for two post only has so many hits because it was what was up when we made YHL - getting Carraba's to go isn't that revolutionary
5) I still don't know whether Bee's Wax or Beeswax is the right color after three years
6) now I want that buffalo chicken dip again
In numbered lists,