Thursday, December 29, 2011

On the Fourth Day of Christmas..

If I was a good Episcopalian, I'd leave my tree up until Epiphany, as that is when the wise men reached Jesus and is the end of the 12 days of Christmas. But alas, fire codes and trash pick-ups dictate otherwise and so tonight we cleaned up from Christmas. The tree was stripped of its decoration and all the red and green and glitter were stored away for another year.

I'm feeling a bit old and official because this year we purchased two large tubs and two ornament holder boxes so instead of hauling our our ratty u-haul boxes, we'll be pulling out nice looking boxes like real people. Check them out:

 Also: 1) how is it that we have this much Christmas decor? and 2) isn't this ornament holder ridiculously awesome? $6 at Big Lots!

Now that the house is all cleared and cleaned up, I like the simplistic look that the New Year brings as I strip all the holiday decor.

Now to keep it that way..

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