Baby Jasper due December 29th, 2014!
That's right - Beamer, Sebastian, Harley, and Tyson are going to have their very own tiny human!
Back in April when I was at Youth in Government in Nashville (with Elise!), on both Friday and Saturday I felt wiped out exhausted. I took a four hour nap on Friday, which is crazy town. I actually texted Jake this picture being like what the heck? (I send him a lot of selfies... he doesn't reciprocate but that is ok).
After I got back it was Holy Week, which was really packed and busy because my choir was singing a service of Tenebrae on that Wednesday and then we were leaving for New York City. I was still exhausted. Wednesday before the service we went to RP Tracks for appetizers and I had a delicious beer. Little did I know it would be my last...
Getting ready to sing, unknowingly four weeks pregnant... cells dividing left and right.
The next morning I took "the test" and had a faint positive. Jake didn't believe me but I told him you can't be a "little pregnant." We were headed to Nashville and then to New York City for Easter so we took our little secret on the road with us...
New York City (with Eric and Claire, post here) was absolutely fabulous and other than having to take power naps, I felt great. My sweet friends didn't even pry when I conspicuously didn't drink all weekend and had to pee all the time (which is a problem in NYC when you're walking around all day...).
When I got home I took another test - this one was ridiculously dark and obvious, which was enough for Jake's doubtful ways. I took a selfie because I wanted to remember exactly how I looked when I knew for sure.
Food cravings... I've been wanting cheese dip constantly (there are worse things..). I also was dying for fried okra. We hit up Soul Fish for a veggie tray.
I had an appointment at 6 weeks with my doctor and confirmed the heartbeat and due date. After getting medical affirmation, we texted this picture to Elise and Chan, my confidants:
After that, we told our families and set in for keeping the secret for a few more weeks...
I started taking my "weeks" photos with a zero-bump baseline at five weeks.
We went off to Knoxville to celebrate my brothers' graduations (that weekend I felt like puking any time I tried to eat anything! Celebrating sans food & alcohol is depressing...).
Back from Knoxville, we hit up Costco, where I got very excited about two of our purchases...
Along the way, Jake graduated from medical school (!!!), which was really exciting and wonderful. And nice because it means he'll have a paycheck (albeit small and partially designated for loan payments...) and great health insurance!
After my 10 week appointment (where Baby Jasper transformed in shape from a grain of rice to a lima bean), we started telling more of our close friends. I had fun with text picture apps, including this one below:
Last week we went to St. John for a family vacation. Baby Jasper got to swim with sea turtles (full post coming soon..). Baby Jasper has already been to NYC and the Virgin Islands - traveling may be in its blood.
We just had our 12 week appointment. In the ultrasound, the baby was constantly moving - kicking, waving, dancing, sucking its fingers... I like to think it is because I had mexican food for lunch and so it was happy (because I sure was).
We don't find out the gender for another month and a half at least so I've held off on most purchases but I did get our stroller (it was hugely on sale on Amazon). We haven't put it together but it makes me happy to know our first piece of baby paraphernalia is purchased! One down, one million to go...
So that's what is going on around here! I have to say that Zofran was my best friend for weeks 6-12, that reflux and heartburn are legit, and that chicken has become nasty to me (making Chick Fil A a problem....). I'm sure there are many more adventures ahead of me! Advice? Shoot it my way. I'm open ears, learning as I go.
In all things baby,

Congratulations! Can't wait to see more weekly pictures and the nursery.
oh my - congratulations!!!!! =) i'm so excited to follow along with this journey. baby J will surely be a cutie!
Congrats!!! Can't wait to see the nursery come along :)
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