Hello there! Things have been the best kind of crazy around here. So much to update... Thought before I broke off into some specific blog posts, I'd do a general update on life with Ruthie on board in the belly.
Pregnancy has been pretty good since the initial morning sickness, which was manageable as long as I had the Zofran my doctor prescribed (miracle worker).
We have continued to make progress in the den - found these mismatched dressers to use as side tables for the couch. I thought I wanted matching dressers and looked everywhere but now love the look of these two.
We got invited to a Labor Day cookout, which was the perfect excuse to make the buffalo chicken dip - ridiculous.
Doctors appointments have come and gone - passed my glucose screening!
Gave in to my caffeine craving and let myself have the allotted 200 msg of caffeine a day. Life has been better ever since.
The parentals went to St. Louis to see family and brought back the family christening dress - here it is from when I wore it:
Ruthie's closet has been getting clothes added with each week that passes...
We got Ruthie's rug in the mail (Rugs USA, waited for an 80% off sale, highly recommend it) and Tyson just had to try it out:
Went to my cousin's gender reveal for baby #2:
It's another girl! Ruthie and Elloree are going to be so close in age and they'll have big sister Layla to boss them around!
Went to our favorite birthday tradition, the Cooper Young Festival, where I got this art for Ruthie's room:
Jake threw a surprise birthday party for me at our favorite, Garibaldi's. We had all our family and friends gathered for pizza, cake, and fun. It was really wonderful.
I started to get baby things in the nursery, including a whole bunch of hand me down clothes, and started sorting through them - with supervision, of course:
I officially had to ditch the wedding ring for a Target version because of preggo fingers:
Elise + Chandler threw the most wonderful baby shower for Ruthie in September:
After bringing Ruthie's goodies home, Beamer had to adjust to all of these new things in his room:
I had a small fall up the stairs (yes, up) at work which resulted in a quick hospital visit, as one can never been too careful. Great news was Ruthie was fine, kicking like crazy, heartbeat was fine.
We finally got some art on the walls in the den:
I took a chance in the great weather to spray paint some things for Ruthie's room:
More baby items were procured, which required expert assembly. Beer was used as bribery for the expert.
Ruthie in her 27 week ultrasound:
A lovely stroll in October at Beale Street Landing:
After piling the clothes by category and size, Tyson decided it was the perfect napping place and reversed all my work:
Fall break brought a quick trip to the beach:
Someone was glad to see us come home:
Jacob and Lydia got a sweet new puppy, Mabel:
Tyson has been very interested in Ruthie:
A family fishing weekend in Arkansas:
More Tyson and the bump:
Ruthie got her own pumpkin this year:
And Halloween - had to play up the bump. I went as a "celebrity baby bump".
That about catches us up - been living life big over here!
In preparing for Ruthie,

Glad you checked in. :) You look great. Your kitty is cute laying on Ruthie.
I love the skyline picture above the couch in the den. Do you remember where it came from?
Denise- it is from IKEA! Several years ago so not sure if they still have it.
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