Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Update on Life

Well we are two days into Camp II now (the mdidle school camp) and I am sitting here getting some office work done while the kids are off canoeing. I have been faithful about keeping up the camp blog and yesterday spent time editing some video footage Hank took and adding in titles and music to the beginning and end. We're trying to get some video so that we can have a promotional video for camp - something that we keep hearing we're going to get from various sources but never actually see. I'm learning about iMovie as I go so there isn't anything profoundly great yet but we'll get there.

I got to spend this weekend with my family since my parents came up to pick up Jacob and Ezra from camp and take them to orientation. I helped Jacob and Ezra with their advising worksheet, and remembered how much fun I have doing academic advising. I like that it is a puzzle to figure out. I hate puzzles but I love this one.
In other news, Jake is going to be starting a Master's of Science in Pharmacology program in July. It is an 11 month program where he will be taking courses from UT-Health Science Center in Memphis to work towards his eventual goal of med school. He is going to have to study a lot and it will be hard on us to not have his job salary but he is really excited about it and it is a great step towards his goal.

With my brothers going off to orientation, I thought I'd reflect on them a bit. The pictures for today are four of my brothers and me. Two are from CGM 2006, my last year as a counselor on staff, and two are from this year - three years later. In the first two pictures, they were rising sophomores in high school and I was a rising senior in college. I hadn't decided to be a teacher yet and was still trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do with a history and political science degree. Right after camp, I actually interned in the admissions office and realized that a huge university was not where I wanted to work. Jacob and Ezra were just getting into the swing of high school - they were still playing regularly with their band, the sludge monkeys, and Jacob was starting to work more seriously on vocal music. Now I'm married and they are going off to college. This summer everyone couldn't get over how much they were like adults instead of kids. They really are - whether I want them to be or not!

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