Thursday, June 9, 2011

Coming up for air - hello from camp.

To say I've been busy at camp would be an understatement. It has been a whirlwind of a week and a half - I've only been here 10 days but it feels like a month and yet a day all in one. We've had our staff week, our itty-bitty Pre-Campers, more staff week, and now we're having our 2 day break before all heck breaks loose and the high schoolers come. I, of course, am in the office updating lists and the such but took a break to come up for air and check in over here. 

Camp is going well, numbers are good, spirits are high, staff is awesome. I got to sneak in a trip to Knoxville, which of course made me homesick for Ole Rocky Top. As I drove around campus I felt weirdly nostalgic and yet detached from the place that I called home. I calculated and it has been 3 years since I left Knoxville and 4 years since my undergrad days. It doesn't seem that long. 

While things are going well here, I sure do miss my guys - 

Beamer giving his best "feed me" eyes:

Ty says no photos, please:

Sebastian wants belly rubs:

And, of course, my main guy:

In lovin' camp but missing home,
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