But back to Burly's. We went because we bought a Groupon (love those) and we love a good deal. I'd heard good things about it and wanted to try it out. We parked in the back and walked towards the place - I was thinking "this is SHADY and I wouldn't come at night." We walked up these metal stairs (mental note - don't wear heals, it was a metal grate type staircase) and into the back of the restaurant. I can admit I was a little worried about my car and probably should have parked up front instead.
We sat down - very casual and we were the only people there (granted it was 1pm during the work week). We ordered two Burly burgers and an order of fries. They had all types of fries and we had trouble deciding between the garlic parmesan and the buffalo. Ultimately the buffalo won out and I wish it hadn't. We decided that, while the fries were good, buffalo was not a good description of them. They were more like honey bbq fries than buffalo. (another mental note - get the garlic parmesan next time). The burgers were GOOD though. Really good. I'd eat one again. I'm more a Huey's fan (I've been told these are better and I don't agree but could give them second place in my head) and these are similar in price.
We decided to share a milkshake to finish because I'd read their milkshakes are good. They are made with Blue Bell ice cream (the signs everywhere told me so) and I expected greatness and got mediocrity. It tasted like a Wendy's Frosty but cost much more.
Bottom line? I'd eat there again. I'd get different fries, skip the milkshake (should have for the waistline anyway), and test out one of the specialty burgers. I imagine Jake and his med school friends will go there some because it is walking distance to the med school and their Red Bulls are insanely cheap (hey Burly - good marketing idea, lure them with Red Bull.. you know what med school students like).
So, I say.. go there. Maybe. If you feel like it.

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