Wednesday, November 7, 2012

{Life}: Fall update.

These little life updates have turned into a seasonal occasion (here's my end of summer update) so this installation of life lately is my so called fall life.

In pictoral form, let's go through what I've been up to....

The guys enjoyed playing outside a lot during the nice weather:

They also slept. A lot.

Amy and Andrew came over to paint their changing table:

My planner (Erin Condren, the best planner ever) has inspirational quotes and this one is in the front of the planner. I snapped it because it felt very applicable to me at the moment:

I enjoyed some edamame. It was quite delicious. Who doesn't love edamame?

Jake and I hit the Home Depot to get some fall decor:

I got to drive this bad boy for work:

I had a yolo date with some of my Central girls (love them!)

We had black and gold week at school (spirit week), which culminated with Black and Gold Day. So much fun...

The entire school gathered around the lake for the canoe races:

We had shaved ice:

And silent karaoke (which is quite hilarious):

Jake and I visited a favorite from high school, the Chinese Sub Shop:

We had family dinner over at my parentals when my brother was in town. Jake and I picked up Muddy's for the fam:

My dad making dinner with Daisy and Rusty looking on:

Ezra's basset Oscar:

After holding out for several weeks, I finally caved and got these three votive holders from Target. I had lusted after them since first sight. 

I also snagged this precious pig wind chime at my favorite antique mall:

And a yellow glider for my porch:

We did a shelf project for over the fridge:

I spotted this fabulous looking glass lap at Target for the cheap cheap (you should get one!):

We watched a UT game on TV (before giving up hope for the season in later weeks)

Had lunch at my favorite, La Baguette:

The pups were cute as usual:

Went to my dad's concert for the Memphis Men's Chorale:

Harley's paws were so sweet when she was sleeping:

I volunteered at Merry Marketplace for the Junior League of Memphis:

Tyson practiced his selfie skills:

Jake and I had a happy hour date:

Sebastian used Harley as a headrest:

We took family pet pics:

In which Harley and Tyson played with each other:

We walked 4 miles on the greenline:

The dogs continued to be cute:

I saw a beautiful sunrise on Halloween:

And got the best mail ever from Elise:

This was my reaction:

And that's what has been going on in my life this fall.

Until next time,

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Reenie said...

LOVE you yellow glider. Great photos :)

andrea said...

Love that you get to be the Matron of Honor!!! Love your pups and kitty! Love that yellow glider...and how amazing was that sunrise?! You've had quite a lovely fall! =)

Unknown said...

LOVE La Baguette! And your blog, this may be the first time I've commented after lurking for a bit. Not sure. Anyhoo!


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