We've been in our house for almost two weeks now. We've gotten some stuff done but still have a long way to go. A few things that have gotten done:
1) We had our plumber come and put in a water line for a washer/dryer in the hall closet. Currently the w/d is in the pantry and one of the big things we wanted in a house was a pantry since we cook a lot. The hall closet was huge and we already have an entry closet so we decided to convert it. We got a front loading w/d off Craig's list (for 600 for the pair, only used less than a year!) and are going to put them in there. I say "are going to" because we still have to get our contractor to come bust out the door and make a new frame for our bifold doors (taken from a closet in the house that will get real doors) so that we can access the laundry area.
2) We've painted the living room and dining room. This was sort of a hiccup in the journey of life because we wanted to paint it the same color as our old lr/dr since all our stuff matched that. It is called Bees Wax from Sherwin Williams and I love the color - it is one of the things that made me happy about our old place. So we go to SW, I walk to the counter and say I want two gallons of beeswax. Get it home, paint the room. Our living room and dining room is very dark (another project for another day) and so I didn't notice that the paint color was off. Well I did a bit but I thought "oh it dries darker like they always say." Yeah, not so much. Sunday morning I woke up and realized the room was butter yellow, not a nice rich goldy yellow. Off to SW again, where they told us that oh in fact there are two colors of Bees Wax - one is Beeswax and one is Bees Wax. Who does that? They gave us the right paint for free, and off we were to paint some more. It is finally right and I am happy, but it was frustrating.
My next paint project is small: the entry closet. I've picked a very radical color, following the advice of Real Simple. I'll post more later:) We've got to paint the whole house since the last owners simply painted every room white when they prepped to sell (which I appreciate so we don't have to prime). Our den is a priority because it is fugly fake wood panelling from a 1970's era addition.
3) We finally have a queen bed. See two posts down for that story - talk about stress!
Well and that is about all we've accomplished... we still have to paint the rest of the house, unpack, finish moving all of our stuff, clean and organize the kitchen, fix up the pantry once the laundry room is complete, tear out the carpet in the living room/dining room and refinish the hardwood to match the rest of the hardwood, fence the back yard, get closet organizers, strip and stain our bedside tables to match the dresser, frame and hang out art/photos, get the internet situation fixed,... I could go on. It is just exhausting to think about! But the good news is we love our home, we love our street, and we're very happy!!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
8 hours ago
Question - Did you get the $ for rehab in the loan itself or is that out of pocket? I didn't even think about that when buying our house.
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