So since this is the last weekend before we move (knock on wood), we had to get a few things for the house that we'll need ASAP. We currently have a double bed that I had in college. Since both dogs sleep with us, things get very crowded. I saw a commercial for Macy's Columbus Day sale and so we went to Macy's when Jake got off work today. We ended up getting a 1700$ Sealy Plush mattress for $699. It is SO comfortable.
Since we got the mattress, we needed to get bedding for it. I'm notoriously cheap and won't buy much full price. Thus, we went in search of a bargain. Enter Stein Mart. Went to Stein Mart, they were having a "12 hour sale" (who knew those existed? What if you come 12 hours and one minute after the sale started?) and so we scored some 350 thread count sheets (2 sets) for 35.99$. One set is giraffe print and one is chocolate colored. If you know me, you know I have an odd obsession for giraffe print - it is my only true tacky chic decoration in the house (see this post about our giraffe chair). I am going to put my giraffe chair in our master bedroom and have the giraffe sheets. Our comforter is a deep red that is the same color as the shades going in that room (that are in the living room, pictured in the post I linked above) and we're debating between tan and a dusty turqouise for the walls.
On the way out of Target (where we got our red comforter cover), we spotted this chair:

After going to 6 stores in 4 hours, Jake said that we'd been shopping too much for his liking and so we decided to go home. He couldn't keep up with a pro shopper, I guess.
So my question to you is - after reading about our bedroom idea for the giraffe with red comforter and shades, should we get risky and try to paint the walls a muted turquoise or go safe with a coffee color? I need your help! Comment away.
Being an avid HGTV watcher myself - I vote for the light coffee color. It will be easier for resale too - not that you are thinking of that right now :)
get a couple of those little paint testers they sell, paint swatches of several colors on the wall, live with it for a few days, look at it in different lights at different times of day, then pick. if you really like the turquoise, i say go for it. if you end up getting tired of it, it just takes $15 of paint and a few hours to change it. i'm a master painter, so i volunteer to help :)
I vote coffee. I feel like it's a cozier color. I like the idea of a mocha-chocolate-red-turquoise color scheme, but I feel like it would be better achieved with turquoise as an accent color (a throw for the bed, an accent pillow on the giraffe chair, maybe add a turquoise grosgrain border to your curtains...)
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