Thursday, June 17, 2010

Exterior Inspiration

A while back I blogged about plans for the exterior of our house (in this post). For those of you who don't recall, our funny little ranch on a street of historic bungalows looks a bit like this:
It is a cute little rancher, and it is our cute little rancher, but it sticks out in our 'hood. Well today on my google reader there was a blog that links but doesn't show the actual post (you have to click to see it). Well I never read that one because I'm too lazy (note to you blog people - if you do a post but I have to click to read the actual post outside my google reader, odds are I'm not going to read it). Today, for some reason, I actually clicked on the post. I don't know what compelled me to do so but I'm glad I did. 

The blog post was from a blog called "The Painted House" about her ranch and the job they did on its exterior. I was so inspired and now want to do something similar to our house... Here's her before and after:
 credit: Angela with The Painted House

The addition of the roof line break in the middle with the porch and the paint/landscaping made a HUGE difference. I really would love to emulate this when we do our house's exterior. How awesome does their house look?


emwvaughan said...

I love the inspiration! I think adding the small addition on the front (along the roof line) really gives the house a classic appeal, making it more timeless. But again, I do love your cute rancher as is :-)

Hilary Dow Ward said...

There's rows of ranches on New Castle near Holy Rosary. Like the same house, just styled differently. There's one that has just had a complete overhaul. They stuccoed the front and did new pillars, landscaping etc. It would be neat to see it as well for inspiration. I'll do a drive by and take a photo for you if you want to see it before you return.

lauren @ gathering moss said...

i want to build a little roof like that over my front porch to replace our yucky awning too! so cute! (but not as cute as maxon the puppy - aaawww!)


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