Sunday, December 13, 2009

House Tour: Living Room

We moved into our house on October 15th.. it has taken us 2 months to get the house where I even feel like I can show it on the blog and facebook! We hosted a Christmas party for church last weekend and it was a good "push" to get us to get the work done. With a lot of work and help from Jake's parents, we spent all of Saturday getting the house cleaned, organized, and ready to go. I took pictures to document the clean house, a momentous occasion. I'll write a few posts, highlighting each room.

Today we're starting with the living room. Here's what we were working with when we moved in:

This picture was taken off the MLS listing and shows the former owner's stuff... this is how we saw it when we came with our realtor. Nothing wrong.. just not our style. The stark white was throughout the whole house. Notice the wood and how it looks awkard against the white.

This is a view of the living room from the other angle - standing in the dining room looking at the front door.

The first thing we did was paint. Well, we WANTED the first thing we did to be to rip out the carpet and have the hardwood that is below but the former owner's son told us that they took the carpet out of the bedrooms and the hardwood had to be refinished due to the carpet glue and such so we decided to put that off...

But back to painting. As you all know from our "Bee's Wax" saga here, we started with this color by Sherwin Williams:
Lovely but not the color we wanted. We already had Bee's Wax in the other house and everything matched that... so we re-painted with the right paint and got this:

Notice how the wood pops now? It looked 100% better. After painting, we let the room sit for about a month and a half looking like this:

Jake, Sebastian, and Beamer studying on the couch with mismatched furniture sitting all around.

Meanwhile, Beamer and Tyson enjoyed having the living room to themselves since no one could get to the living room through all the boxes..

The next thing I did was paint the door. Previously, the front of the door was painted white (like the rest of the house), while the back of the door was wood. I took some leftover paint from our last place and painted the door brick red. You know, Episcopalians love our red doors...

I used to hate our front door because it looked dated but now I've decided the three window thing sort of fits the vibe of our 1947 ranch so I'm warming up to it...

After painting the door, we stalled
some more before really knocking it all out the other day. Pretty much everything came together at the last minute. Now, for a tour of the room...

Here's a close up of the fireplace. We've got it set up for Christmas (hence the stockings and garland). The painting was done by a local artist, Kristi Bauer, and given to me as a housewarming gift by my parents. The glass boxes on the ground are from World's Away and were used as centerpieces at our engagement party - they sell them as planters in their Memphis warehouse showroom.

To the right of the fireplace is a built in book shelf. Previously it had four shelves that were equal and I took one out and made them different heights. I also painted the back of the book shelf the same color as the walls. Before, our stuff hid against the wood and now it stands out. I've got an assortment of pictures, bowls, plates, and such on it now. A few things of note are a gold plate that was my grandmother's from Germany and a sunflower clock you can barely see (in the bottom shelf on the left) that my friend CHB made out of salvaged metal for me.

Also in this picture you can see a lamp - this lamp was in my pink and green bedroom from college and is also from World's Away (gotta love the scratch and dent warehouse sales). It was pink and green (like everything else in that room) and had a different shade. I got a drum shade from World's Away and spray painted the lamp chocolate brown. It really fits well in the room.

Here's the view standing in the living room looking at the dining room. Here you can see our new slipper chairs, one of only two furniture purchases we had to make for the house. We got these Avington slipper chairs in vine for a steal at Target online (blog post here) and have really enjoyed them.
And now, a view of the room as a whole. Here you can see our Christmas tree. I love that it is in our front window so you can see it from the street.

And lastly, a picture of it all lit up at night - cozy, right?

So does it look better than when we first came in to the room?


lauren @ gathering moss said...

the living room looks fabulous! way to get it done :)

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Anonymous said...

It's just an outstand travel to your super organized blog world and excited seeing how you revealed so many useful home improvement and decor contents. That's really amazing. I was also wondered having me into your gorgeous colorful living room. The room space. wall painting, floor, furniture, Christmas tree- oh what not, all are looking so so beautiful. I was looking for furniture store near me and also house painter painter services with affordable price. But this read made me really happy.

Frank said...

first thing we did was paint. Indeed, Someone To Write An Essay For Me we Needed the main thing we did to be to tear out the rug and have the hardwood that is underneath


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