Once camp was over, we got the office all packed up. This is what 1/2 of the camp supplies for a summer plus archive files look like in our office (oh and a cello - Jillian's since she was going to be going to Chatt and come back for it):
So I said my goodbyes and hit the road - passed through those gates one last time.
Upon arriving home, I immediately turned around and went out for drinks with some of Jake's med school pals. It was a great welcome home! We went to Local Gastropub - got the blue cheese fries. Oh goodness.
Of course I was glad to see my boo, but also very glad to see my pups and kitty.
Sunday of the weekend I got back we went over to the parentals and had dinner. Delicious per usual and I got to visit with my pup Daisy, who I got my senior year of high school. She turns 10 this month!
Mom and Dad made delicious food. I was grateful.
Sidenote - new obsession? Goat cheese and avocado. Separate but also together too. That salad above is spinach leaf salad with goat cheese, avocado, walnuts, cracked black pepper, and vinaigrette dressing. Ridiculous.
Rusty was on her best behavior. I snapped this pic of him being precious.
On Monday I went to scope out my new classroom at my new school. This is a replica of the face I made when walking in the room:
The school is beautiful, fabulous, and wonderful. They just built this new building for the upper school and I'm an additional hire for my department so they don't have a room for me. I'm so grateful to not be a "floater," as that is just very difficult, but the classroom they found for me is a science lab. I'm excited about how big the room is and it gets tons of natural light but there is science stuff... everywhere... so I'm going to be creative in figuring out how to make it mine. I also share it one period every other day in the spring with a teacher who has a robotics class.
After sorting through paperwork, envisioning my science lab turned social studies classroom life, and meeting with some people, I was ravenous, so I stopped at my favorite place - Jimmy John's. It is a habit I developed in college - a love for the Jimmy.
And since I am sharing pictures of food, I'll share this...
At my old school there was a wing place down the block called Crumpy's. My kids would bring it back to my room for tutoring and the smell was intoxicating. My mouth would water. But I don't eat things on the bone so I never would go get wings there. Well recently I found out they have buffalo fingers there so Jake picked it up for us on the way home from the hospital. We both got a buffalo finger dinner and I got a side of fried okra.
The verdict? The okra was delicious. The sauce for Crumpy's fingers was divine. The actual fingers they used were way too bread-y and not very good. However Jake scouted out a new buffalo place called Captain JJ's and we'll be trying those out.
Also the week I was back from camp I spent a bit of time socializing, usually at Bosco's.
Jake and I had a drink date there, I met my pal AJ (shout out on the blog!) and her boo, Deron (who I LOVED - you made the cut, Deron) for a couple-y double date lunch, and had drinks with my pal Robyn.
Along the way I snapped this precious picture of the pups having dinner together. Beamer and Harley tend to share a bowl, Harley always eats lying down, and Sebastian just looks sweet per usual.
That week I also was so excited to get to spend some bff time with my pal Brie. We went to Huey's (where we devoured food faster than I could take a picture) and got to catch up. And I hugged on her pup Boston, who is officially a TANK! He isn't even a year old and is so big! And sweet.
Jake spent a lot of time studying - well, doesn't he always? But I snapped this (not so awesome quality) pic because Ty was doing his typical thing.... getting all up in your business and snuggling right when you are trying to do something.
Also that week Beamer had his check-up for post surgery. It has been 4 weeks since his surgery on his neck (he had a ruptured disk in his neck between 6 and 7). The vet said he is making very good progress towards recovery.
He's still slow and tired and restricted from activity but is acting more like his old self.
Of course there was a Garabaldi's night in there too, since it had been a month since Jake and I last had our date night there.
And more dog pics. Harley is looking at me telling me she doesn't have enough toys to play with and Beamer is just trying to sleep.
Oh and I got this pic via text from my brother - this is his dog Oscar. Precious pup.
I also managed to get a pic of Jake in his scrubs. Isn't he so cute? I asked for him to pose with his scrubs and white coat one day on the way out the door and he rolled his eyes at me so this is the closest we get.
This past week I had a training for my new school to attend so the night before I left, Jake and I went out for a celebratory dinner. Of course I chose Las Delicias! Best tacos, best salsa, best chips. I only wish it wasn't SO popular - we had to wait almost 45 minutes!
As we left we saw this pretty rainbow. Who knew it would represent all the rain headed our way...
The next day I drove down to the ATL for training. I stayed with my bestie Beth and her husband Brad. I hadn't seen their new house or met their newest addition, Ollie (pictured below, he's a bassador!) so I was very excited to spend the week with them.
Like I said, I spent the week there for training. It was an institute for teaching AP Economics - Macro and Micro (two different exams).
I did manage to squeeze some fun in there - like going to IKEA! Post forthcoming..
Of course during the day it was all work no play, which was the way it was intended. Check out my intense notes...
... Thinking hard....
By the last day I was feeling much more confident about teaching some economics.
And I got a lot of loot out of it, too. Well loot for teachers - free textbooks to use as resources!
After lots of fun in Atlanta (post to come), I hit the road back to Memphis...
Where I was greeted by three wet noses, one furball, and a sweet husband.
The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. And I thought I was busy at camp! But there's the life update... now onto my next challenge - onboarding training for work!
In living up the summer,

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