So with all my pals in town, we hit the road bright and (not so) early to start our adventure on Saturday morning. First on the agenda? Bryant's for breakfast, of course.
Bryant's is one of those places where it seems like everyone knows about it but it is such a hole in the wall. On Summer Avenue at Graham, Bryant's is known for their breakfast, specifically their biscuits.
After stuffing ourselves and clogging our arteries, we headed out to Sheffield's Antiques for a little shopping fun. We had so much fun walking the aisles - Beth, Eric, Claire, Ellen and I spent some quality time together as we helped Ellen search for some new house pieces and Beth search for an antique for her bedroom. We ended up having a bit of luck, with Ellen getting a TV stand and a side table, Claire getting some antique ice cream scoops, and I got a red chair for my dressing area:
After our grand Sheffield's adventure (which we'll count as working out since we walked the aisles of the store... right?), we headed back to Midtown to eat a late lunch with the additions to our crowd, fresh from Nashville.
We got a couple of their pizzas, which I can whole heartedly recommend. Trolley Stop pizzas are the best ever.
After that we headed back to my house for a little down time. This down time mostly involved the best game ever for the best weekend ever, Farkle. Farkle is a dice game that Eric and Claire brought to the group. It is incredibly easy and fun but involves strategy. We all got involved:
(if you look in the corner of the picture, even my parents showed up at the house!)
After Claire beat us at Farkle, my parents took a "family picture" for us (sans Elise, who was at her dad's house) -
We spent some more time hanging out before dinner.
For dinner we headed to Central BBQ, a must if you've got guests in town.
Beth and I split the nachos.
And Elise picked up another Memphis must, Muddy's Bake Shop cupcakes!
After dinner, we went to Ellen's new house while Andrew and Allison picked up their friend. Ellen's got a cute new place to go along with her cute dog. And check out that picture above Beth - Ellen won a contest with that picture and got to go see it hanging in a gallery in New York City!
Ellen's pup, Lily.
We also recreated a picture from 2005 (top) at Central BBQ (bottom):
After Ellen's house, Elise, Andrew, and Allison headed back to Nashville.
The next morning Beth hit the road early to go back to Atlanta and our little crew was left with deciding what to do for the afternoon. We took a long walk around the neighborhood, which was refreshing and fun. And since we exercised, we felt the need to eat some more. Continuing on the theme of eating local, we hit up Slider Inn.
After stuffing our faces (yet again), we went to another antique store, my favorite - Antique Warehouse on Summer, before eating one final meal with the love birds. Jake and I took them to our Sunday mainstay, Garabaldi's. We were so excited to share our Sunday tradition with our friends.
After dinner, before going to bed for early work and early flights, we had one last game of Farkle, in which Claire beat us yet again.
What a fun, fun weekend. Let's do it again!!

thanks for recapping the best weekend ever, kathryn! the pictures are so fun. we had a great time visiting and hope to be back again soon...for more food, friends, and farkle.
Thanks again for a great weekend!
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