When I first got home my family had a little cookout - the family that grills together stays together after all:
After a night at home it was time to turn around and go to Atlanta for Jake's test:
Here he is post-test enjoying a local beer:
And of course we had to stop at Trader Joe's:
While we were in Atlanta we stayed with my best friend Beth and her husband but managed to get no pictures of her cute pregnant self (well played, Beth).
We went to a Braves game, my first MLB game:
Once home we had a little time on our hands before I started work. We finally got around to hanging the strand lights outside. Our Fourth of July was really low key - we had dinner at my parents and then hung out in our backyard listening to the amateurs try to use fireworks.
Of course a lot of time in July was spent playing with these guys...
On the night before I went back to work we had a Sonic date (where I made the mistake of looking up the calories in a Sonic Mini Blast and haven't gone back since...):
My first weekend after being back at work I headed to the mountains to celebrate Elise's girls getaway weekend.
When I got home Sunday from that, I had myself a little cryfest watching old Glee episodes in memory of Cory Monteith #stilldepressed
We also got a lot of walks in during July, including this one on the greenline:
July is also when we finally joined the Kroc Center! We love it there.
At the end of July I went on vacation with my family to Navarre for one last trip before school started back.
and while I was gone the porch renovation was finally finished!
August brought the start of the school year, which wasn't too different for me since I had been working since July but still merited celebration with donuts:
We also worked on organizing our new pantry. Turns out I have a lot of pasta..
We also rounded out the summer with a trip to Nashville for Elise + Nate's couples shower hosted by Gracie!
And just like that, summer was over and school was back in session. Here's my new desk in my new office:
And a first day of school selfie, since I'm too old for my mom to take my picture in front of the house:
And now it is time for backpacks, fall festivals, and football! Here's to the changing season,

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