First of all, I've been calling this a laundry room and realized that was very misleading. This is, in all ways, a laundry closet. I realized today I've been calling it a room - not quite!
So, to let you all know what we started out with in our old laundry room (the pantry in the kitchen that also housed our hot water heater and our gas furnace):
The dryer -
The washer -
They have been moved out to the garage and are currently listed on craig'slist since they actually work very well (we bought our new set before we even moved in to our new place - I was excited). The original owner's manuals are still in our possession since the previous owner kept everything. I can't even begin to figure out when the washer is from - the owner's manual doesn't have computer graphics, they are hand drawn.
And here we are with our new machines in place. We took them on a test run today - we bought them from a couple that was moving to a new rental that already had a washer/dryer and so we tried it out when we went to buy them (a craigslist find) but they also sat in the garage for 5 months so we were (well really just I was) a bit nervous about whether they'd work. One clean blanket later, we're in business.
The doors aren't on the room, the "counter" isn't put in on top of the washer/dryer, and the shelves aren't up but I'm told this should all happen Monday. I'll be glad to get our first big project out of the way!
And since we have our new laundry closet, I finally got to get this done:
So now we have an actual pantry for our food instead of a upper cabinet shelf. This is the former laundry room - it is off the kitchen and has our hot water heater and furnace. The floor is a bit funk nasty so I'm planning to get a mat to put down there. We used a shelf and cube storage system we already had and organized our foodly belongings. It feels good to get them off the counter and out of the cabinets!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
6 hours ago
i'm really behind in blogging thanks to convention...i love your new laptop bag, i think a combo of solid and print pillows would be great for your couches, the laundry room looks awesome and i can't believe how great of shape those hardwood floors were in under that carpet! i also met your mama at convention - she's so sweet!
Kathryn, your laundry room is super cute especially the blue!...and yes, it deserves to be called a laundry room if you can step in and close the door! Oh and the floors look great too! Hope all is well in memphis. Ali
Your new washer and dryer look so nice, i love the color (blue?) you chose on the wall - they fit great in you space.
Our washer & dryer are in the garage and I hate going out there in the winter months its so cold.
I'm loving all this comment love.
La: My mom mentioned she met you and saw Clifton (who she says looks "just like he did when he was 16 and speeding through the neighborhood in that little white car"). She said you guys might come over to Calvary one Sunday - let me know if/when you do!
Ali: Hi!! I'm glad you like the laundry room.. now if I could get the energy to finish it!
Mrs. Chic: I love the color too! It is in the bathroom but looks totally different in this room. It is Sherwin William's Drizzle and it isn't quite blue but isn't quite teal, which I like.
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