What do tomatos, an onion, and 5 tablespoons of butter have in common? They are all you need to create a tasty spaghetti sauce.
This simple spaghetti sauce has circulated the web - I saw it most recently on smitten kitchen's weblog. The sauce is super cheap, super easy, and very tasty. It is a very basic spaghetti sauce, nothing too fancy. If you're looking for a thoughtless meal that tastes good and impresses but is easy on the wallet, this is the one for you.
Noodles of your choice (I prefer Angel Hair pasta)
1 large can (28oz) of San Marzano whole peeled tomatoes
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 large white onion, halved and peeled
1) So you throw all but the noodles in a large pot, put it on medium high, and begin to let it sit - it will do this for 45 minutes
2) As you let it sit, begin pushing the tomatoes against the side of the pot to smush them
3) as you go, it will get more sauce-y and less whole tomato-y. This is a good thing
4) put your noodles on to boil
5) after 45 minutes, taste and see if your sauce is ready. you might want to add a bit of salt to taste, but maybe not (I don't but they say to).
6) take the onion halves out and toss them (or save them and chop them for a brushetta type recipe if you're having guests)
7) serve over noodles
It doesn't seem like 3 ingredients could ever make a sauce that tastes so good but they do. It is a clean, simple, easy recipe. Some people add parm cheese on the top, but not me - why mess with perfection?
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
7 hours ago
so I read this, was totally inspired, went to the store and got the tomatoes and onion and made it instantly and it was oh so good, for sure going in my recipe box...and now you have me hooked on yet another blog Smitten Kitchen, in addition to Young House Love which i am highly addicted to. My boyfriend may just cut my internet cord if I adopt any more blogs:)
I think blogs are an ok addiction - I have about 105 in my google reader. I say it is "research." But seriously, YHL and Smitten Kitchen are awesome. I don't know if you've tried Annie's Eats either but her recipes are great because they are manageable for week nights and still taste awesome.
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