Wednesday, May 16, 2012

{Make this}: Margaritas for Mother's Day.

For Mother's Day this year we had a fabulous weekend of celebrating our mothers - dinner at Flight on Saturday night, church on Sunday morning, lunch, and finally cooking dinner for Jake's family on Sunday night.

Dinner Sunday night was lots of fun - we made our black bean avocado salad, Jake grilled pork tenderloins, and we had java chip ice cream for dessert. One thing we did for Jake's mom was we made margaritas. I got the recipe from (where else?) Pinterest but modified it a little bit. Here's the original:

We followed this recipe but added a splash of orange juice (a tradition picked up during our college years in Knoxville via OCI, one of our favorite restaurants). The result was, in fact, the BEST Margaritas after all.

Definitely try them out next time you're having a party... or when you just feel like being fancy.

In mothers and margaritas,
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1 comment:

Nashville Newsletter said...

I would make this even though its not mother's day! This would be nice for a date with my mom. Lets drink to this mom.


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