Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting in the spirit.

Tonight, Jake and I did the first of our Christmas decorating. Call it "phase one," we put a few decorations out, bought our tree (with pet sitting money - thanks, parentals), and rearranged the living room. 

To get in the spirit of the season, we stopped at the Star-y-bucks for some drinks (a peppermint mocha for me, of course, a coffee for him):

 Got a table runner at the TJ - I'm into felt this year for decorating.  Also got this countdown calendar. Not sure if it will stay on the front door because I've got an ornament wreath. In the meantime, makes me happy.
 We got the tree put up in the stand and are letting it "fall." Behind the chair, you'll see the christmas box I rescued from Goodwill and painted. I think I'll take readers' advice and put Christmas cards in it!

(If you look closely, you'll see Beamer's pheasant in this picture. He placed it there for the photo op). 

Tomorrow, it is on to phase two: the decoration and ornamentation. 

1 comment:

Hilary Dow Ward said...

How's your kitchen coming along?


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