Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall "Break"

Well, it has been a busy week around here. Lots going on at school, trying to keep up and not do a terrible job. Today is our "fall break" and so the guys and I are doing a lot of this:
 And a bit of grading and syllabus making - what would be the fun in a fall break if you didn't have to do a bit of work too? Right?


Hilary Dow Ward said...

Wonderful day too! I went to the hospital this morning and drove past Central and was like "WHERE IS EVERYBODY" and then I remembered it is fall break! Made the think of you! tehee.

Unknown said...

Don't you love how Beamer is respecting the price of those Pier One pillows we chose? He loves them so much that he has chosen them for his nap.


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