Sunday, May 15, 2011

House Tour: Updated house photos.

Two things happened recently: 1) I got a (new to me) camera and 2) I cleaned up the house. With the collision of these two events at the prime moment came a photographic experience allowing documentation that I do, in fact, having living spaces. I wanted to share these updated photos - we've made some more progress away from the granny-fied house we started with.

Living room with both couches now in, plus an appearance by the new recessed lights:

Another view of the living room:

Our entry way:

Dining room, which is now sans awkward door to the guest room:

Den with the new furniture, patiently waiting for its turn to be modernized. Paneling, be gone!

In loving my spaces,
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Comeca Jones said...

Coming along sweetly!Love the rug in your living area.

Unknown said...

Thanks!! The rug is from Pier One. It is the inspiration for our color scheme in there.

Sarah North said...

oooh very nice! love that printed chair!


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