The latest box she bribed me into taking was filled with dishes. See, I'm that college kid that was out buying cute vintage dishware at Goodwill while all the other kids were sleeping off their hangover. I found this set of yellow dishes at Knoxville's Goodwill and bought them for the "someday" to come:
I also unboxed my green glasses set from my Grandmother. I've had these in the attic waiting on me until I had my own house and I'm pretty excited that they are now on display in my new cabinets:
So I guess unpacking those boxes wasn't a bust after all... but really - I'm running out of room!

My husband and I have lived in our apartment for 2 1/2 years. That apartment has a bedroom, office, dining room, living room, bathroom and kitchen. However, the office has never been an office because it is full of boxes. The dining room has rarely been used as a dining room and is filled with boxes. And there are even some boxes in the living room and kitchen. I need to buy a house just so I can unpack. LOL. Part of the box over flow is because my mother-in-law got rid of her storage unit so we had to bring home the rest of hubby's stuff. Oh and there are a few things at my parent's house. :) One day maybe everything will live in one house.
Oh I don't feel so bad now! I'm glad to hear others are in this transition predicament. I just don't like bringing "my things" from my parent's house because then they aren't there! And so it isn't "my room" anymore. Well and mostly we've got so much stuff we're bursting at the seams here!!
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