Tuesday, August 7, 2012

{Pets}:Harley meets her sister (again!).

 Two weekends ago Harley met her sister at the dog park. Well, we say "met" but technically they've known each other from birth. Harley hadn't seen Maisey since they were 8 weeks old (we got Harley as a rescue puppy from Belly Rubs Basset Rescue) and Maisey lives just a few blocks away so it was about time we got them together.

The park down the street from us just opened a public dog park called Overton Bark. Our usual dog park has no shade, no grass, and lots of fleas. This dog park was really like movin' on up - it even had a doggie water fountain.

So here we were for the big meet up. Harley was so excited to meet Maisey. The last time they were together they looked like this:

Here's Harley (on the right) with Maisey (center) and another sister Sweet Caroline (left):

Maisey's mom actually drove Harley home from Knoxville and here is the last picture until now I have of the two of them:

And of course, just for fun here's Harley meeting the boys. Isn't she SO SMALL!?

So here we were, almost exactly a year after their last picture together. Harley bounded forward to meet Maisey. Maisey, on the other hand, was a little more hesitant.

They sat around chatting for a bit like two old pals:

Before Harley abandoned us all in favor of the big dogs. Maisey preferred to stay by her mom's feet.

But after playing for a while, Harley did come back. Exhausted and slobbery.

It is funny how different Maisey and Harley were. From the same litter of 9 pups, Maisey looks just like her dad and Harley like her mom. Harley is ridiculous, outgoing, and had no manners. Maisey was prim, proper, and reserved. I guess I picked the right pup for me! She's a mess but she's my mess.

We had a great sister visit and made promises to do it again (actually - we're going this weekend with lots of the Memphis basset people!). Everyone needs family in their life, right?

In family of the canine variety,
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