Monday, December 24, 2012

{Life}: Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas from all of us, human, canine, and feline! I hope your Christmas is filled with happiness and celebration. We've got lots of plans with family and friends for today and tomorrow but we've already had quite the fun so far on our Christmas break. Here's a little peek at what we've been up to -

Lessons and Carols service with the family:

Catching up with some of my students from last year:

Starry Nights with Jake's family:

A festive dining room, a table with room for lots of dinner guests:

A selfie:

Snuggles with Tyson:

Tyson the Christmas Kitty:

Visiting with my cousin Amy and her sweet little Layla:

A Neighborly Christmas concert with Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors:

Lots of fun cards in the mail from friends and family:

Packages wrapped up and ready to go:

Merry Christmas everyone!

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