Monday, September 20, 2010

Project Armoire Finished!

In May, I bought this project of an armoire from Gary's Antiques on Central:
 It was painted white and had some cheap-o knobs but otherwise was pretty cool - narrow for an armoire, which is precisely what I needed. And I knew I could jazz it up. 

So, last weekend (my birthday weekend), I hit up Home Depot first thing Sunday morning and bought new knobs, paint (Chianti by Behr), and a few paint supplies (since I have been using my mom's mostly). 

One coat in, I was looking at this:
 A very curious Tyson (and almost red Tyson), but more importantly, the realization that this was not a one coat project. 

 Two coats in I left for the day to enjoy my birthday, to let this sit as is for a while..

 Four coats later, I was ALMOST done:
 Yet still, patches of white were showing through, bringing my total number of coats to five and some patchwork. 

And while I have sworn off painting furniture for some time, the final product was worth it. I still need to pick out some new fabric that goes a bit better with our bedroom than the toile (maybe giraffe) but otherwise, I am pleased:

1 comment:

Comeca Jones said...

Lovin the toile fabric you used.


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