Here's how I made it:
You'll need -
- Yarn (I used 1/2 a large so you'd probably use all of a smaller roll)
- Wreath form (I got a Styrofoam one this time and it worked better than any other)
- Ribbon
- Assorted buttons
- Hot Glue Gun/glue sticks
- felt
1) Wrap your wreath form with yarn. This is a tedious process - I watched an entire Glee episode and a New Girl episode (side note: love that show). You literally just wrap it around the wreath. With other wreath forms, I've done this twice, doubling up, but I didn't need to on this one.
As you can tell, I had lots of help (oh and there is some Glee!)
Here is my wrapped wreath. You'll want to hot glue the end down to make sure it doesn't unravel.
2) Wrap ribbon on the bottom side of the wreath (I used a semi-transparent ribbon, which gave it that cool effect). Hot glue the ribbon down (don't burn your fingers!)
3) I created a loop at the top for my wreath to hang from. This was sort of impromptu but worked ok. I wrapped ribbon and then looped in more ribbon to create that top loop. Once the loop was in, I glued everything down. It has worked out so far.
4) Then I started adding buttons. I only used the purple and pink ones in the pack (it was much cheaper to buy this variety pack than to buy individual buttons). I laid them out to see where I wanted them. At first I thought I might only put them on the pink ribbon part..
So I glued those down. FUGLY! So I was left to get creative. And that meant adding more buttons.
I was thinking of going sparing on the cream part with the buttons. Still FUGLY!
Much better. But something is still missing...
I hung it on the wall and was really irked by that bare spot with two purples in a row. It really bothered me. Really. So that led to step 5: adding a felt heart. I had all this felt because originally I was going to make polka dots until I realized that I can't cut a straight circle in felt (don't judge - have you ever tried cutting felt with scissors your husband used for things other than crafts ::even though you said not to::?). But I digress.
So here I was, reverting back to my elementary days to remember how to cut a heart:
Luckily, I was a star student in elementary school, so my heart came out ok. With a bit of "stitches" from the sharpie and a touch of glue, we were ready to go. And there you have our Valentine's Day Button Wreath!
Happy Valentine's Day!
In cupid and candy,

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