1) install counters/new sink(coming Wednesday)
2) install microwave shelf (contractor built it)
3) create cabinet for stove (side panel/back panel since it doesn't sit flush and has an exposed side) - contractor is starting this late this week
4) finish unpacking/moving in
5) CLEAN up!
In the mean time, we've been unpacking and working on a few projects. First of all, I unpacked my new (to me) fiesta dishes handed down from my parents:
I have this thing for dishes.. I've filled almost a whole cabinet and I still have another set, an antique white with yellow band set I've saved since finding it. On a related note, I really like the glass front cabinets but you really have to keep your cabinets neat and organized.
So on to the chalk-talk. As you may remember, I painted my pantry door with chalkboard paint. After "seasoning" it (drawing on it with chalk and erasing it) and starting to use it, I wanted to share a pic - it is looking less stark black and I really like it:
I also ordered some chalkboard style labels for my spice jars from an etsy shop (here if you're interested - she was SUPER nice). They came in the mail today and I immediately went about filling and labeling my jars:
I tried to pick spices we use the most and oddly enough, cayenne makes the top 9. What does it say about us that BBQ rub, crushed red pepper, and cayenne make the top list of spices? I really like the labels - they are contact paper that she cut using a pattern so they are the perfect size for my spice jars. I wrote on them with chalk and it worked very well!
By the way - side story: When I moved in my classroom, the room was a nasty mess. I spent about the first day just cleaning and purging everything that the former teacher left. In the very back of the drawer of the teacher desk there was a plastic ziploc of chalk. I only had one chalk board in the room (the rest were white boards) and I was getting a smart board so I covered the chalk board with contact paper to use as a bulletin board. I had this bag of chalk and I thought about throwing it away but I kept it as a memento to the classroom's history. When I decided to do chalkboard stuff in this kitchen, I wondered where to get chalk before remembering that random bag in my classroom so I brought it home. It was like it was meant to be.
In getting chalk on your butt when you accidentally brush into the pantry door,

Kathryn - where did you get your spice rack? I love it!!!!!!
hi!! I got it at IKEA when I visited Beth in Atlanta. They sell the magnetic bars that you can use for knives, etc and they sell these spice jars that are magnetic. I got labels from etsy for them. I love them!!! If you don't have an IKEA near, you might could order online or I know BB&B sells smaller versions you could put on your fridge or buy a magnetic board for.
Thanks! I am heading to Atlanta this summer so hopefully I can make a trip to Ikea. Love that place.
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