Wednesday, February 15, 2012

{Life}: Our pets.

We're those people. Those people who treat their animals like children and post all sorts of pictures on facebook/twitter/instagram of our pets. And that is ok with me.

Here are some recent pictures of "my guys":

Top Left: Sebastian, beagle-basset (bagel), age 6ish, adopted from Belly Rubs Basset Rescue in July of 2007

Top Right: Harley, basset hound, age 9 months, adopted from Belly Rubs Basset Rescue in July of 2011.

Bottom Left: Beamer, basset hound, age 7 1/2, from the Appalachian Big Foot line of bassets out of East Tennessee, Christmas present for Jake from me in December 2004.

Bottom Right: Tyson, orange tabby cat (fat cat), almost 3 yrs old, adopted from Family Vet Practice in Bartlett in May of 2009.

In slobber and snuggles,
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1 comment:

Reenie said...

Ahhhh so cute. :)


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