Happy Easter to you all! It has been a whirlwind of a Holy Week, ending Lent and getting Christ risen from the dead.
It started on Wednesday with a service of Tenebrae. I sing in the Memphis Chamber Choir and we did the traditional Holy Week service the night before Maundy Thursday. Here's a recording of King's College singing one of the songs we sang - it sums up the whole service, which progresses further into the dark with each reading and song. It was truly beautiful and moving to be a part of. Here we are practicing (Elizabeth on cello and the boys with Geoff practicing):
Preparations for Easter continued on Saturday night with a progressive Vigil service. We started in the parking lot of our church for an ecumenical service with St. Peter's Catholic and Trinity Lutheran, where we lit each Pascal candle from a bonfire and read the vigil readings.
The second part of the service was just our church - we went into the Great Hall and had two baptisms in the round by candlelight.
The final part of the service started with us in the church in the dark, with the lights coming on as bells rang out and the organ sounded that the Easter part of the service was here. We finished the service joyous with Alleluias.
Sunday morning brought a stop from the bunny. Can you believe that the bunny got my forwarding address from my parents and stopped this by on the way of his route? The bunny knows my favorite candy is the fruit slices from Dinstuhls (must read my blog) and that Jake and I love Outback.
And since most people are sharing pictures of their cute kids for Easter, here are two of my four "kids" - Beamer and Harley, on Easter morning:
I have to confess that I've had the Easter garland up for a while now but isn't it fun? I'm one to not decorate during Lent but this year Easter was so late that I wanted some cheer.
Both the garland and wreath were Target dollar bin specials. Score!
I even got an Easter happy in the mail from my bff Beth who shares a love of IKEA and bassets with me. She saw these pillow covers at IKEA and knew they screamed my name and surprised me with them. I'm itching to change things up with the pillows and can't decide whether to use them in the den or living room.
I went to church this morning and did Children's Chapel music and was a eucharistic minister - there were tons of people there and lots of cute kids! Jake stayed home and studied. After I got back we had waffles at the parental units' house before coming back and taking a walk through the neighborhood. Isn't our little VECA greenline so cute?
There is a community garden where people have stuff planted like these pretty roses:
The rest of the day has been spent lounging around. I hope your Easter was happy, whether it was filled with chocolate and bunnies or with church services.
Go Team Jesus!
Bok Choy Stir Fry
8 hours ago
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